Defence Enterprise

Defence is seeking technologies to support the resilience and effective management of critical infrastructure, information and communications technology, logistics, science and technology and health services to ensure longer-term operations and operational ability during times where supply chains may be strained.

  • Develop and explore quantum computing to meet current and future Defence needs for enterprise and military applications.
  • Leverage emerging opportunities in artificial intelligence and machine learning to support complex decision making and reduce potential delays caused by human intervention.
  • Develop and leverage enterprise-wide cloud capabilities, with consideration to applicability in operational contexts, to deliver enhanced data management outcomes.
  • Enhance future energy management and resilience in the deployed and barracks environments.
  • Explore opportunities to provide enhancements to the physical and cognitive capability and capacity of ADF personnel and ongoing health management.
  • Develop and enhance Defence training and simulation systems for operational and logistical scenarios across all domains.
  • Enhance joint logistics capabilities, including fuel resilience, fuel and explosive ordinance storage and the modularisation and digitisation of supply systems.
  • Enhance self-reliant geospatial information and intelligence systems, including hydrographic capabilities and technology that supports precision-guided weaponry.